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News from the News People

Some interesting news from the news people at Inman.  Jessica is moving on and Joel and Glenn are moving up.  All of us at VendAsta are going to miss Jessica.We have gotten to know and appreciate her over the years.  Jessica we wish you well in your new adventure. I...

Brendan’s and Coni’s Valentines Present

… And were back!   I had a brief blogging hiatus as I was busy with far more important things.   Things more important than anything else.  In fact, I just had the best Valentines present I could ever ask for!  Coni and I gave  birth to Elaine Jeannette King.  She was...

The New Foosball Tables Arrived Today!

Two brand new T2000 Stainless Steel Tornado Foosball tables arrived yesterday.  I want to put down a challenge right here and now.  If anyone comes and visits us and beats us on these tables we will pay for you’re flights and hotel.   Russ Caper, if your reading this...

Freedom Potential

Starting a new company is both challenging and rewarding but most of all it is refreshing. Imagine, for a second, that you could walk away from whatever it is you are doing for a living.  Really walk away.  Not just take a holiday, but walk away for good from all the...

Cold Outside But Heating Up Inside

It is super cold outside but things are starting to heat up inside!  Not many people going outside for a smoke break, in fact, not many people going outside at all!  If anyone wants to come and visit us we promise we will tell you all of our plans – no holds barred. ...