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“Remarkable Commericals” – Too Funny

I don’t subscribe to many blogs but Seth Godin’s is one that I do.  The Idea Virus and Purple Cow are a couple of my favorite reads.  For those of you that haven’t seen the video where Seth addresses Google you can find it here:...

Inman News

Apparently people read Inman news. I can now add Ben Clark from Zillow, Lloyd Graves from House Values (Soar), and Scott Levitt from Oakley to the list of people that have made fun of my picture. Don’t worry guys – I will find a way to get even. And Ben, no I didn’t...

Bad Picture

Unless you are an Inman subscriber you can’t get to the Inman article any more.  I can’t say that doesn’t please me as the picture of me was ridiculous.  You can still read the article (sans picture) here: Oh, and...

.Net Upgrade

Early this morning we upgraded to .NET 2.0 – so far so good. In fact, it appears we have some good performance increases. J

New Stuff

So we just hit 75,000 signups – rock ‘n roll! We also have a new support site at .   Have a look at it.  We are exposing some important stats.  It makes some people around here a little nervous. We had originally wanted expose some stats like: CPU...